Welcome, I’m Sarah Lynn.

I live in the Austin, Texas area with my two daughters and our furry friends, a transplant from Massachusetts. I love photography and paddleboarding. I have had my own journey of being diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) when I was in my 20’s and have learned how to treat and adapt to living with chronic challenges and a rare disease.

As a mom, I’ve devoted myself to my daughters as we have gone through Lyme disease, gastroparesis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Ehlers’s Danlos (EDS), Hashimoto’s, small fiber neuropathy, Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS), also known as fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s. I’ve spent 40 nights at a children’s hospital while one daughter participated in an intensive rehabilitation for her chronic pain syndrome. I’m very familiar with overlapping disorders and the challenges this can bring to treatment plans and family dynamics.

I know what it is like to commit countless hours advocating for my children and becoming a “medical mom.” Laboring through the appointments, treatments, side effects, emotional and physical pain, emergency room visits and hospital stays. It is my belief that when dealing with a chronic and/or rare disorder family caregivers and patients sometimes just need an experienced guide “who has been there” to rely on for support.

I have spent over two decades working in management and recruiting, helping coach others to reach their full potential in life and with their careers. I hold extensive entrepreneurial skills which has afforded me the ability to be a single working mom while balancing the care of a child with complex medical needs. This is done with a focus on recovery and self-care so that I can live a happy and joyous life myself, despite my circumstances.

I get through each day with intention, putting my will aside and focusing on gratitude. If you don’t believe miracles are the norm, then we have room for improvement. I am inspired by the strength and the resilience of others who are living with a chronic and/or rare disease and pain. As a warrior myself, I can help you come to a place of acceptance and love for all things, even the bad days.

I am not a doctor or nurse and do not give medical advice.

You will enjoy working with me if:

You feel like your pain or illness has a grip on you

You feel like you are hostage to your illness

You feel like you have lost friends due to your illness

You are feeling overwhelmed by the medical system

You feel as if no one can relate to what you are going through

You are grieving your diagnosis

You are open to being vulnerable, willing to commit to making change

You are willing to be honest

You want to find solutions so you can be happier despite the illness

You want to relate to friends and family in a more positive way

You want to embrace your illness, not drag it around everyday begrudgingly.

You want to find community, understanding and strength.

You want someone who has been there and understands the challenges firsthand.

You will not like working with me if you are:

Looking for a cure to your illness -I am not a scientist

Wanting medical advice - I am not a doctor, nurse or therapist.

Want supplement recommendations.

Looking for healthy diet recommendations - I am not a nutritionist

Unwilling to have a different perspective or try new approaches

Not ready to make changes or willing to hear feedback

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