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Hi there, I’m Sarah Lynn and I specialize in helping people navigate the challenges of living with chronic illness.

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As someone who has managed my own chronic illness for over two decades, as well as parenting a child with complex medical needs, I understand firsthand the difficulties that we face. On top of dealing with the healthcare system, managing pain and symptoms, balancing multiple appointments, procedures, learning medical terminology, dealing with insurance companies, finances, and work, I get that we also have our individual illnesses to contend with.

Most people that come to me for support are looking for someone who can provide guidance based on personal experience and who truly understands the daily struggles that come with chronic illness.

I can help you learn to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. I can assist in strengthening family relationships so there is better understanding around your illness. By working with me you will gain confidence so that you can find strategies for managing the day-to-day challenges of living with chronic illness. Let’s work together to help you live your best life despite these obstacles.

Set up a Free consultation
Sarah Lynn


Schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation with me so that we can explore how I can support you as a chronic illness life coach supporting you on your journey to wellness. 

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Tried, Survived and Will now Thrive 1:1 Coaching Package
(4 sessions)

During this condensed 4 session coaching package we will navigate through your medical journey. Learning how to let go of the why, the art of acceptance and incorporating joy into our daily lives.

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Embracing Our Imperfections 1:1 Coaching Package
(10 sessions)

 Helping you get your life back by learning about ways we can retrain our brain from negative thinking patterns. Ultimately leading us to a place of less stress and less anxiety.


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Embracing our Imperfections Revolutionary System

Phase 1 – Learning and Navigating Your Medical Journey

Lesson 1 – The journey to getting an accurate diagnosis. Understanding our brain as it relates to chronic pain and illness.

Here we will address your anxieties, fears, and grief head on by reviewing your medical journey and how you think about your chronic illness. Then we uncover overlapping issues where your health has influenced other aspects of your life (friendships, family, work, etc.). We will pinpoint any negative thinking patterns and come to a solid understanding of how our thinking has a direct impact on our health both physically and mentally. Hint: it is all connected.

Phase 2 - Letting go of the Why

During this phase we will discuss the why behind the illness, or at least what we think is the why. Usually, with chronic and/or rare illnesses this is a major obstacle in our thinking. We think knowing the why will fix it. I will help you uncover your truth while gaining understanding of your identity aside from your illness. Yes, we do have identities outside of our illnesses.

The result: an instant boost to your self-confidence and a new sense of identity aside from your illness.

Phase 3 – The Art of Acceptance

Lesson 1: Changing our perspective and breaking away from negative thinking.

Living with chronic pain, discomfort and having a chronic illness is a life experience that can feel isolating. There is an adjustment period that we go through. Changes in our health will happen and we must be able to navigate the obstacles that come our way with change if we want to live happy lives. These changes can include work demands, family issues, physical impairments, etc. I will teach you about the stages of acceptance that we all go through and what to expect moving forward in acceptance.

The result: You will understand your emotions better and have the tools to better your relationships with others. You will have learned the art of acceptance!

Phase 4 - Infusing our happy, joyous and free perspectives into our daily lives.

Lesson 1: Our identity is not the illness.

Gaining peace, clarity and happiness while embracing our illness, even on the bad days. We will build a strategy together that will help you walk alongside your illness versus being dragged by it. One that is custom tailored for you to help you live your most happy life, despite your illness.

The result: You will finally feel empowered as your disease, pain or illness will no longer have the power over you it once did.

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