Embrace Life Beyond Chronic Illness with Sarah Lynn


Hi there, I’m Sarah Lynn and I specialize in helping people navigate the challenges of living with chronic illness.

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Sarah Lynn


I specialize in helping people navigate the challenges of living with chronic illness. As someone who has managed my own chronic illness for over two decades, as well as parenting a child with complex medical needs, I understand firsthand the difficulties that we face. On top of dealing with the healthcare system, managing pain and symptoms, balancing multiple appointments, procedures, learning medical terminology, dealing with insurance companies, finances, and work, I get that we also have our individual illnesses to contend with.

Most people that come to me for support are looking for someone who can provide guidance based on personal experience and who truly understands the daily struggles that come with chronic illness.

I can help you lern to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. I can assist in strengthening family relationships so there is better understanding around your illness. By working with me you will gain confidence so that you can find strategies for managing the day-to-day challenges of living with chronic illness. Let’s work together to help you live your best life despite these obstacles.

Get Started


Transforming lives with personalized solutions for
chronic illness, unlocking a healthier tomorrow.

Your Journey


The journey to getting an accurate diagnosis. 



Embracing the art of acceptance gracefully.

Beyond the Illness


Discovering self beyond illness' defining boundaries.


Sarah Lynn


Welcome! Sarah Lynn Solutions is committed to helping individuals live their best lives despite the challenges of chronic illness. As the founder and a growth consultant specializing in supporting those with long term health conditions, I am honored to be here with you on this transformative journey.

Instead of falling into the vortex of pain or illness, warriors learn to confidently maneuver around it, embracing our inner strength and resilience. Together, we navigate the labyrinth of obstacles that chronic illness presents, unlocking the boundless potential within each of us.

At my core, I understand that true wellness extends beyond the physical realm. I acknowledge that managing the financial stress, accepting change, family and friend dynamics, managing appointments, social isolation, learning medical terminology and navigating the healthcare system are just some of the additional layers of complexity that accompany chronic illness. I recognize that these are not merely symptoms of our condition but aspects we must confront head-on.

Here, you will find a safe space to share your experiences, triumphs and setbacks. My focus is built on compassion and understanding with a direct approach that will help you reframe your thinking so that you can recognize your unique journey, have the courage to make changes, while feeling empowered to live your best life despite the challenging times.

I will provide you with insight regarding how your body responds to chronic pain and illness, how you make decisions, how you can find peace with overlapping disorders, working towards acceptance while guiding you towards personal growth and helping you discover your identity outside of your illness.

May our paths intertwine as we grow and glow,

Sarah Lynn

Founder and Growth Consultant

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